Fields and Footpaths

Most of my inspiration comes from just outside my front door. I live amongst a series of smallholdings with the wider open countryside beyond. I like the way the hedges, walls and footpaths shape the land nearby. I love local maps, old and new. I sew experimental pieces which sometimes lead onto larger works.

Daw’r rhan fwyaf o fy ysbrydoliaeth o ychydig y tu allan i’m drws ffrynt. Rwy’n byw ymhlith cyfres o dyddynnod gyda’r cefn gwlad agored ehangach y tu hwnt. Rwy’n hoffi’r ffordd y mae’r cloddiau, y waliau a’r llwybrau troed yn siapio’r tir gerllaw. Rwyf wrth fy modd â mapiau lleol, hen a newydd. Rwy’n gwnïo darnau arbrofol sydd weithiau’n arwain at weithiau mwy.

January fields and footpaths
February fields and footpaths
March fields and footpaths
April fields and footpaths
July fields and footpaths
August fields and footpaths
September fields and footpaths
October fields and footpaths
November fields and footpaths
Fields and Footpaths 5
Enclosures: the right to roam